Expression of Soul Healing

10 days of Mini Rituals to help you learn to fill your own cup in 10 mins a day

Life can be overwhelming to say the least at times. This time of the year is no exception. Between family commitments, school, work, and the upcoming holiday season literally just around the corner, it can be so easy to get lost in our heads. We turn into planners, over thinkers, and typically over givers. 

’Tis the season of giving after all 

At least that is what we have been taught. Through words and actions of others. We give, give, give, all too often until we have nothing to give ourselves.

However, when we give to ourselves first. Filling our own cup with what we truly need, with what nourishes our souls, and what fuels our source of creation energy, we have that much more to give.  In addition, we learn to recognize our limits and our boundaries and when we need to refuel.

So this year, starting on my birthday, I am sharing my gift of fueling myself first and sharing those tools with you.

My Free Gift to You

Starting October 1st, we will take a 10 day journey today that will enhance and amplify various expressions of how we heal at a soul level. 

Each day, we will create a mini ritual that will be between 10-15 minutes so that it is something that even those that are busy can fit into their day. And I will share ways that the principles of the practice can be implemented in small ways through the day.

Your Guide

I am Heather Travis, The Body Shaman and I am on a Soul Healing Mission. 

Every soul deserves to feel at home within their human vessel, in their energies, and to speak through their thoughts and words with love for themselves.

I help facilitate by creating spaces that allow you to feel safe, to spark inspiration, and expand what you know or believe to be possible, so that you are able to live the fullest expression of your soul, balanced in your health, your wealth, your passions, and your purpose in this life.