Hear the Call of your Soul

Guiding You Home

Through presence and awareness you find ourselves once more

Sometimes, however, you need a little help to see, a place to be seen - first as you are now & the fullest potential of who you (and only you) are meant to be

Sometimes, you need a kind and kindred soul to stand beside you as you walk through the fire, the muck, and all the messiness of life, holding space for your highest good and healing

Sometimes, no matter how strong you are, life throws you a curve and you need a different kind of support


That is where you will find me

In the midst of chaos and confusion

Holding clarity and compassion

So that you can connect own inner guiding light

 So that you are confident in who you are and how you are designed to move through this life

Journeying Together

If you are ready to answer the call of your own soul, then I am here to assist you.

As a healer, a guide, a coach, a teacher, a human, I bring all of me to our sessions.

If you are new to my world, a Single Signature Session is the perfect place to start. It allows you to get to experience how quickly we can shift your energy, your perspective and how you feel in your own body.

While each session is uniquely tailored to you, you can expect to:

  • Define a clear objective for the session
  • Clear, direct, compassionate communication
  • Healing at a Quantum & Cellular level that impacts all areas of your life
  • Receive clarity and tangible 'real' world action items and takeaways 

But so much more happens in these sessions than what our human minds can label as the  sticky 'parts' are unraveled and your are reconnected with parts of yourself that you didn't know you were missing

That is the beauty and the magic of weaving together the physical, the energetic, and the spiritual healing - the complexity of what it means to be human - the sheer insanity that we exist - and the simplicity of energy at it's core


 Want to go a Little Deeper

In a 6 week journey together, you are able to feel the power of being unleashed.

Flow and Freedom shift from concept to reality

Shifting your timeline and reawakening your deep personal passion for life

Again, each journey is always unique to the soul taking it but you can expect:

  • A 90 min Virtual Opening Call / Ceremony
  • 3 - 60 min Virtual Calls every 2 weeks
  • Additional Voxer Support
  • Shifts in your perspective towards your relationships, your work/job/career, outlook on life
  • Deeper understanding of who you are as you decondition yourself from biases, traumas, beliefs & are able to see yourself more fully

Need/Ready for a Longer Commitment

 Whether we have worked together previously or you know yourself well enough to know that you want to make really big shifts this year, then the 3 month Journey is here for you.

These are beautiful in their spaciousness. They allow you to really move at your own pace. And as all of the calls are 90 minutes, that same spaciousness flows through each session. This is where you are able to truly embodied what it is to slow down and be truly present with your soul.

The greater 'we' has already begun this shift through desiring change and slower paces, deeper, more meaningful connections. 

For you this first means being able to be fully present with yourself.